Monday, April 2, 2012


ME 2026 Unconventional Machining process
PART – A ( 2 marks)

1. What are functions of dielectric fluid used in EDM?
2. Write a note on electrical discharge machining?
3. Define W/T ratio?
4. What is cycle time in connection to EDM ?
5. What are the prime requirements of tool material in EDM?
6. What are the functions of adaptive control used for EDM?
7. Explain the term over cut with reference to Electric discharge machining process.
8. Explain how the current density affect the MRR in a ECM process .
9. What are the limitations of ECM?
10. Explain the term Etch Factor with reference to Electro chemical machining process.
11. Explain ‘ recast metal’.
12. What are the factors that influence oxidation in ECM?
13. What are the results when an improper selection of electrolyte in ECM is done?
14. Describe the commonly used gas mixtures in PAM and their corresponding work materials.
15. What are the limitations of ECG?
16. What is the application of ECG?
17. What are the characteristics of Laser beam?
18. Write the principle of Plasma arc machining.
19. Give a brief note about electro chemical honing process
20. What are the limitations of Laser beam machining ?
21. Compare and contrast LBM and EBM processes
22. Mention the kind of materials that can be machined by PAM.
23. What are the methods generally used to filter the electrolyte?
24. What are the characteristics of a good ECM tool?
25. What are the gases commonly used in LASER?
26. What is the effect of capacitance in EDM?
27. What are the advantages of Laser drilling?
28. Write a note about the recent advancements in Laser machining ?


1. Briefly discuss about the effect of high temperature and pressure of electrolyte on the ECM process. Also discuss about the economics of ECM.
2. Explain the principle of LBM with neat sketch ,list out the advantages and limitations of LBM process.
3. Explain the principle of PAM with sketch , list out the advantages and limitations of PAM process.
4. What is non transferred and transferred mode of plasma arc ? Explain the mechanism of material removal in PAM
5. Discuss the factors that influence the quality of the cut in PAM.
6. What is laser? Explain how it is used to machine the materials. Discuss in detail the thermal features and analysis of laser beam machining.
7. Explain the classification of various spark erosion generators. With help of neat sketch describe the mechanism of material removal in EDM.
8. Mention the specific advantages of using chemical machining over electro chemical machining giving some of the practical applications of chemical machining process.
9. Describe the process of electrochemical machining.
10. Discuss about the electrochemical honing and electrochemical grinding.
11. Explain the principles and elements of EBM, also how the worktable is protected from getting damaged by electron beam.
12. Discuss how the process variables influence MRR, HAZ and pattern generation in PAM.
13. Explain the process capabilities of EBM and PAM