Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two mark questions
1.    Define shape functions, write the relationship for a rectangular element using natural  co ordinate system
2.    Differentiate superparametric, subparametric, ,isoparametric elements
3.    What are CST, LST elements?
4.    What are the conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric ?
5.    What are the ways in which a three dimensional problem can be reduced to a two dimensional approach ?
6.     In an isoparametric   element having two nodes one of the shape function N1= ½[1-r] where r is the natural co ordinate. Find the other shape function.
7.    Give examples for essential and non essential boundary conditions.
8.    Write the stiffness matrix equation for four noded isoparametric quadrilateral element.
9.    Write the stain displacement matrix for a CST element.
Unit – IV
1.    Write the equation of longitudinal vibration of a bar element.
2.    State the principle of superposition
3.    What are the types of eigen value problems ?
4.    Explain the term ‘dynamic analysis’
5.    Give the governing equation for transverse vibration of a beam
6.    Write the expression of transverse vibration of beam element
7.    Explain the term ‘ damping of vibrations’
8.    Define maginification factor
9.    List the types of dynamic analysis problems.
10. List the methods used for solving transient vibration problems.
Unit – V
1. List the method of describing the motion of fluid.
2. Write the stiffness matrix equation for 1 D heat conduction element.
3. Give the equation for shape function for 2 D heat transfer.
4. Differentiate streamline and pathline flow.
5. Give the expression for velocity gradient in fluid mechanics
6. Mention two natural boundary conditions as applied to thermal problems.
7. Give the governing equation for 2 D heat conduction.
8. Give the expression of shape function ,N and temperature function T for 1 D heat conduction element.
9. Define the stream function for a 1 D incompressible flow.
10. What is  potential function ? How is it represented ?